Our “Cascade of Nature” is Installed!



Our project for the head office of Cascade Metals is completed and installed!

This was a very enjoyable piece to design and create – I’m almost sorry to see it leave the studio……but happy to have it installed in its rightful place.  When I started to design the project, the “flow” of what I wanted to achieve developed very smoothly. The jump point was the company logo; a stylized image of mountains over the company name – I kept the outline of the mountains but softened the visual to look more natural, even the lettering was altered to flare slightly and be less of a block letter, this reads better with the light coming through the French mouth-blown “flashed” glass. Everything else was inspired by beautiful British Columbia.

Here are some of the stages that went into creating this art work:

Cartooning Cascade Window ©Gilroy Stained Glass


Detail of creating the cartoon with pencil and India ink

Citting Glass detail ©Gilroy Stained Glass

Cutting each piece of glass over the structural drawing

Linework for Cascade project©Gilroy Stained Glass

Starting the first painting stage; tracing linework

Painting Cascade Salmon

Working at the easel creating tonal values

Leading in progress ©Gilroy Stained Glass

Leading in progress

Detail of Spirit Bear ©Gilroy Stained Glass

Detail of Spirit Bear